What a wonderful start we have had here at Mudgee PS. Last Friday at our swimming carnival, I was reminded (not that I need much reminding) of what a great group of students, teachers and parents we are lucky to have in our school. With all students Year 2-6 attending the carnival, I was so incredibly impressed with everyone's individual efforts. So many personal bests and milestones, and I don't mean that just from a time perspective, but so many kids "jumping in the deep end" so to speak and having a go at a new event or distance. Student behaviour was sensational, parent support overly positive along with our helpers on the stopwatch. Congratulations must go to our House Captains and Vice Captains who led the student body with such encouragement and house spirit. Well done house leaders!! A huge thanks to our organisers Mrs Marshall and Mrs Vitnell as well as all the staff who supported the day. Next stop, Gulgong for the Zone Carnival where we will see a record number of students attending, which once again, evidences the attitude of the many students.
Age Champions Jnr girl - Nelly Spradbrow; 11 Yrs girl - Indie O'Brien; Snr Girl - Bonnie Thomson; Jnr Boy - Will Cole; 11 yrs boy - Darcy Gallen; Snr boy - Max Spradbrow House winners: Denison - 188 points; Douro - 155 points; Gladstone - 91 points; Perry - 69 Points
Fundraiser for Evie King: As many of our community will be aware, in the holidays one of our Year 6 students, Evie King was diagnosed with Leukemia and will have to spend the first 6 months of this year at Westmead hospital undergoing treatment. Whilst it's incredibly difficult, Evie is taking every challenge in her stride and doing as well as can be expected making some great progress and milestones along the way.
Our students, in particular, Evie's friends were keen to do something here at Mudgee PS. Next Friday, all students are welcome to wear green and bring a donation for doing so. At morning tea there will be lots of items for sale ranging from treats to key rings, bracelets and bookmarks, just to name a few. A bit of a price guide has been listed in the image. At lunch a Sausage Sizzle will be available - all Sausage Sizzle Orders through Quickcliq. All canteen profit from the day will also be included in the fundraiser. The P&C have already donated a range of goods to help towards the day as well. All funds raised will go the Evie's hope Go Fund Me Page. For those wishing to make a donation, you can do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/evies-hope
The staff are also running their own 100 square raffle. A big thanks to Zin House, The Oriental Hotel, Roths Wine Bar, Whatever Mudgee, Rosby, Sports Power and the Butcher Shop Cafe who have all supported this arm of the fundraiser.
Around the Table - Building Relationships through Conversation: I am really excited to see this new initiative take off. This new initiative replaces our traditional Meet the Teacher and Parent Teacher Interview process. Invited to Around the Table is the teacher, parent and student. If your booking time is within school hours, we will bring your child to meet you. A note and flyer is being sent home today with bookings being opened up on Monday 24th February at 4:30pm via the Schoolzine website. Make sure you have registered and have your login ready. Please contact the office if you are having trouble. www.schoolzine.com
Most of the Interviews will take place on Wednesday 5 March, with teachers also making themselves available at other times throughout that week and into the next. On Wednesday 5th March, we will have a sausage sizzle running after school, so you'll be able to grab a sausage sandwich before, between, or after your conversations. We will have catering organised for other "Around the Table" chats.
Why Around the Table Conversations? The evidence above from the School Excellence Framework suggests that for these reasons regular opportunities for students, parents and teachers to converse and share goals, students have the best chance to succeed and thrive.
Student Leadership: The other exciting initiative that I am really looking forward to is the evolution of our Student Leadership portfolios. This week, students have been nominating and taking part in class elections. Next week, once we have our leaders, we will arrange portfolios. Parents of student leaders (House Captains and Class Representatives), keep an eye out next week for an invitation to our Leadership Induction assembly which is scheduled for Tuesday 11 March at 9:45am. I know this is a little later than normal, however, this will assist in planning and making sure everything is in order.
Calendar of Events: See below the next 3 weeks of learning, fun, engagement and relationship building. Take note: School Photos....Monday 10 March! Keep an eye out for envelopes and information.
Have a great weekend, and week ahead.
Mr Carters
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Principal/s Awards
Congratulations to the following students that have received a principal or deputy principal award over the past fortnight.
Welcome to the 2025 Attendance Class of the Week 👏👏What an electrifying start to the new school year! Building on an amazing 2024 where we not only increased our attendance rate but also slashed unexplained absences, we’re already making waves in 2025. Even though Week 2 was just two days long (yes, have a little chuckle), the results speak for themselves:
7 classes achieved 100% attendance⭐⭐⭐
Only 2 unexplained absences for the ENTIRE school☑️☑️☑️
A 95.6% Attendance Rate, remembering our magic percentage rate is 95% 🎉🎉🎉
A huge round of applause goes toBradfield, Donnellyville, Laver, Meerkats, Orange, Yellow, and Quokkas for their impeccable attendance in Week 2, all with 100% attendance! In the spirit of fun and fairness, we let fate decide our lucky Attendance Class of the Week using the online Spinning Wheel of Fun! I did consider having 7 different songs to celebrate all our fantastic classes, but I didn’t want to burn out our bell music extraordinaire too soon in the year 😉A reminder that each week there will be a special spotlight on classes demonstrating improvement and success.Each week, ONE class will be acknowledged for their attendance gains and get the exciting opportunity to choose the weekly bell music!🥁🥁🥁DRUMROLL PLEASE 🥁🥁🥁
👏👏 A MAMMOTHcongratulations to Bradfield, our very first Attendance Class of the Week 👏👏 👏👏An extra round of applause to Mrs Sheedy, your new faces must have been so eager to be in Bradfield and start their 2025 learning journey 👏👏Once Bradfield has decided their song, they will make contact with our bell music extraordinaire Mrs Caligari 🎶🎶🎶Let’s keep this incredible momentum rolling, here’s to a successful 2025!
Remember, if you are not here, you are missing out!
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Students of the Week
Term 1
INFANTS - Week 3
Hudson O'Kay
Hallie Campbell
Denzel Fozard
Harry Marks
Cooper Tolman
Bella Cole
INFANTS - Week 4
Noah Kenny
William Hudson
Digdarshan Aryal
Betty Berry
Aria Pearce
Chester Barrington
Hudson Krockenberger
Jaxon Ray
PRIMARY - Week 3
Hunter Wood
Busta McAuliffe
Byron Said
Leela Lawson
Ivy Van Amersfoort
Georgie Wallace
Chayse Oakenfull
Hazel Memorey
Dexter Farmer
Jimmy Anderson
Danny Stewart
Zac Newsome
Lily Clapham
Vienna Letourneau
PRIMARY Week - 4
Brax Drew
Malia Gardiner
Mason Evans
Jax McTaggart
Toby Cochrane
Zara Richards
Eloise Green
Scarlett Peterson
Travis Berry
Maddie Baskerville
Willow Roberts
Grahame Lonsdale
Oliver Scales
Violet Senior-Plachozki
Eliese Longmuir
PBL Focus Week 3 - "Be Inclusive and Considerate of Others"
PBL Focus Week 4 -"Make Sensible decisions when using technology"
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Our House Captains
Introducing to you our House Captains and Vice-Captains, who did such a wonderful job at the Swimming Carnival last Friday
Makenzie Riley Denison Captain
William Walker Denison Captain
Darcy Gallen Denison Vice-Captain
Xavier Campbell Denison Vice-Captain
Bonnie Thomson Douro Captain
Tyler Masling Douro Captain
Gabbie Fenney Douro Vice-Captain
Bug Clarke Douro Vice-Captain
Grace Rayner Perry Captain
Marcie Grosse Perry Captain
Eden Joseph Perry Vice-Captain
Lucas Harrison Perry Vice-Captain
Baylen Palmer Gladstone Captain
Declan Godfrey Gladstone Captain
Olivia Murray Gladstone Vice-Captain
Henry Marchant Gladstone Vice-Captain
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Community Notices
Traditional non-contact Karate 6pm - 7pm Tuesday & Thursday
Mudgee Public School Hall $3.50 per lesson - Ages 5yrs over
For further information contact: Harvey Mb 0427 435 930
Mudgee District Hockey Association - 2025 AGM
7th of April 2025 at 7pm
Held at the Oriental Hotel Mudgee
All positions will be declared vacant!
The AGM is a great opportunity for everyone who cares about the sport to step up, share their ideas, and take part in shaping what happens next.
If you're passionate about keeping hockey alive in Mudgee, attending this meeting will be key—whether it's through voting, contributing ideas, or even taking on one of the vacant positions. Hopefully, there will be strong support to ensure the future of the sport in the area!
If you are planning on attending it would be great if you could indicate your attendance by reply email.